Solar Panels Belfast
Northern Ireland

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Solar Panels Grant Belfast

At Kane Electrical and Renewables Ltd we Install Solar Panels Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland. We are MCS Registered solar panel and battery installers and are regulated by the RECC (Renewable Energy Consumer council).

We Install solar panels and battery’s for 11kw 3 phase commercial buildings and can help with the commercial grant applications of which include vat free and a further 20% off solar panels installations.

We can provide Quotes and Installations on G98NI  applications which include upto 4KW Residential Solar Systems and 11kw 3 phase commercial Solar Installations.

We can also provide G99/NI Commercial and Industrial Solar Installations and foresee this application process throughout on behalf of the client.

Also benefiting from this, are Residential (home owners) which can also have vat free savings on their single phase 3.6kw solar panel installations. We help with G98 and G99 forms,provide 2 years solar panel installation warranty and 25 year solar panel warranty.

We can also provide solar panel cleaning and maintenance with solar panel installation inspections that comply with the IET.

What are Solar PV Panels ?

Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are made up using photovoltaic cells that capture solar radiation (energy) from the sun and convert it into electricity. The solar panels Belfast don’t need direct sunlight to generate electricity as they react to visible light therefore allowing them to work even on cloudy days.

Where can it be installed ?

Solar panels can be installed either on the roof or in the ground. Solar pv panels can be installed in a residential, commercial or industrial premises. These can be single phase or 3 phase installations.

Although before pv panels are installed several things must be considered ie the structural capability of the existing roof covering and primary structure.

Commercial Solar Panels Belfast

What is Battery Storage ?

Batteries are an energy storage technology that release energy on demand. Battery Storage Belfast allow electricity to be stored during times of low demand and released (or dispatched) at times of peak demand. This means that they can be charged at night at off peak times and used during the day at high peak times saving a substantial amount of money in energy costs.

Batteries are particularly valuable because they provide flexibility. They can respond faster than other energy storage or generation technologies. Help maintain grid stability by turning on and off in fractions of a second.

Batteries can be used as a “stand alone method” in which they can be only charged by grid electricity or they can use a “Combined Solar PV and grid method”. Battery Storage Belfast can be used for residential, Commercial and Industrial buildings.


Combined Solar PV and Batteries

When combining Solar PV and Batteries you are generating free electricity by the solar pv panels then storing any extra energy in the batteries. You can reduce your annual energy bills by upto 70% with ths hybrid method .This is a great way to increase independence from the grid further saving money in electricity costs.

Due to the technology’s versatility and falling costs, the use of batteries for renewable energy is expected to increase over the coming years.

Benefits of Solar Panels Belfast ?

Solar energy can be used in the home or it can be fed back onto the national grid when not in use. The energy can also be stored in batteries.

Solar PV power lower energy bills and reduce pollution. Over time it pays for itself and limits the high electricity bills produced by energy companies.

A 4kw solar panel system if installed by a certified installer can generate 2850kwh with potential savings of £900 a year. (Federation of Master builders)

In the sunny months solar panels can heat water for for free in any building by installing water heater controls. Solar panels can also have cost free savings when connected to EV charging stations.

This can also be provided by us at a competitive cost with 2 years installation guarantee.
